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<b>20. Sunderland</b> are forecast to have <b>31 points</b> at the end of this season by the Super Computer (and are currently calculated to have a 73.5% chance of getting relegated), putting them bottom of the table in 20th place. To find out where your team is predicted to finish, click the arrow above!

Premier League table: Super computer predicts final BPL table for 2015/16 *NOVEMBER UPDATE!*

The Premier League has paused for the November international break, and clubs are taking stock after 12 games of the 2015/16 season.

The biggest story has been defending champions Chelsea, who are faltering badly in 16th place, with the title surely gone and fourth place currently 13 points away.

Meanwhile, last season's strugglers Leicester City are sitting pretty in third, Tottenham are eyeing up the Champions League places in fourth, and West Ham, Southampton and Crystal Palace are all ahead of Liverpool.

Manchester City and Arsenal are level on points at the top, with Aston Villa, Sunderland and Bournemouth in the bottom third.

So, how will the Premier League table look after 38 games?

At this stage, no one can say with any certainty, but Stats.com have produced a predicted final table.

A leading sports technology and data company, Stats use a complex aglorithm to determine 'expected points'.

Take a look at the latest predictions, above.

Where do you think your team will finish? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.
